England & Wales

18 Oct 2019

Non-party Cost Orders - In Licensing Appeals

The recent High Court case of Aldemir v Cornwall Council [2019] EWHC 2407 (Admin) is of interest as it dealt with non-party costs orders in a licensing matter – deciding that non-party costs orders can be issued pursuant to s181 Licensing Ac...

17 Oct 2019

Minimum Unit Pricing - Wales

Today, Wales took a further step towards the establishment of a minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol.  The Welsh Assembly have laid down for consultation within the Assembly itself The Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (minimum unit p...

04 Oct 2019

Guidance for tackling under-age gambling in pubs

On Thursday, the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) and UKHospitality jointly published guidance for tackling under-age gambling in pubs. The key principles of the Charter are: To collaborate across the pub sector and with other industry ...

03 Oct 2019

Licensing: Prevention of Crime and Disorder Objective: London Nightclub Loses its Licence

It has been reported that an exclusive nightclub in London has lost its licence after serious crime and disorder issues. Opium Nightclub, the winner of a “Luxury Lifestyle Award” in the category of Best Luxury Nightclub (London 2019) ...

30 Aug 2019

Councillor's handbook

The Local Government Association has now issued a handbook designed for Councillors dealing with applications under the Licensing Act 2003. The handbook, which is available for download and review here, includes helpful sections on conducting hea...

29 Aug 2019

Brent Statement of Licensing Policy - 24-Hour City

Brent Council are currently consulting on the introduction of a new statement of licensing policy. The consultation will run until 4th October 2019. The draft includes policies for the introduction of ten cumulative impact zones where street...