England & Wales

22 Feb 2021

Covid 19 - What you need to know - Road Map to Reopening

The Vaccine programme has now delivered a first dose to over 17m citizens and the Government aims to offer a first dose to all adults by the end of July. On this basis, in a statement to the House of Commons this afternoon, the Prime Ministe...

19 Feb 2021

Supreme Court | Uber BV and others (Appellants) v Aslam and others (Respondents)

The Supreme Court has today delivered their unanimous Judgement in the case of Uber BV and others (Appellants) v Aslam and others (Respondents). This appeal concerned the employment status of private hire vehicle drivers who provide their services...

17 Feb 2021

Pavement Licences - City of London Corporation

As we await the promised announcement from the government on 22nd February which it is hoped will update us on when and how Lockdown will be eased, there has been an interesting announcement from City of London Corporation around the use of extern...

11 Feb 2021

Gambling - Consultation | Funding of Gambling Commission.

In addition to the ongoing Review of the Gambling Act 2005, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has launched a consultation into the funding of the Gambling Commission. The consultation, which will run until 25 March 2021,...

05 Feb 2021

Covid 19 - What you need to know - Roadmap to reopening be announced on 22nd February

The Government has indicated that the Prime Minister will set out a date for when pubs and restaurants can reopen when he announces the plan for ending lockdown in a speech on Monday, 22nd February. Reports in the media including by Propel state ...

03 Feb 2021

Gambling - Gambling Commission announces package of changes

Following a consultation last Summer, the Gambling Commission have announced a range of new measures Operators will need to implement aimed at protecting players further. The changes are designed to make online casino games less intensive, safer ...