Latest News

24 Mar 2015

Amended Late Night Levy Guidance issued

The Home Office has today reissued the Late Night Levy Guidance, amending that which was previously issued in 2012. The covering details on the website confirm: “Amended supporting guidance for licensing authorities on the late night...

23 Mar 2015

BBPA Campaign - Serving Drunks

With input from the Department of Health the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) along with the Drinkware organisation and National Pubwatch have launched a new poster campaign to raise awareness  of the law relating to the sale of alcoho...

20 Mar 2015

Scotland - Is the drink drive limit impacting the licensed trade?

In a survey produced by the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA) it has been revealed that 64% of licensed premises have seen a decline in like-for-like sales of up to 10% in the first quarter of 2015, versus the same period last year. Alco...

19 Mar 2015

Scottish personal licence re-training issues - update

News that a further 67 people have had their personal licences revoked by South Ayrshire Council is a timely reminder that the issue of those who have failed to re-train within 5 years of grant of their personal licence rumbles on. The details we...

18 Mar 2015

Newham LBC v White - A Recent Case on Noise Abatement Notices

A recent case in the Divisional Court (12 March) has given guidance on the test to be applied in relation to alleged breaches of Noise Abatement Notices. The facts involved Newham LBC who issued a noise abatement notice requiring the respondent t...

18 Mar 2015

Personal licence renewals - Deregulation Bill completes Parliamentary passage

Consideration of House of Commons amendments to the above Bill took place in the House of Lords on 16 March. Both Houses have now agreed on the text of the Bill which waits for the final stage of Royal Assent when the Bill will become an Act of P...