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Criminal Justice Statistics (England and Wales) – penalty notices
Towards the end of last year, the Ministry of Justice published its Criminal Justice Statistics for England and Wales, part of which show the number of penalty notices issued for certain offences. The relevant overview tables (which can be found ...
Gambling - Commission publish list of approved RET organisations
As from the 1st January 2020 Gambling operators must direct an annual financial contribution for gambling research, prevention and treatment required by the LCCP SR code 3.1.1 to one or more of the organisation approved by the Commission. O...
Best Bar None - Announce Shortlist
On Friday Best Bar None (BBN) announced their 2019 short list for their National Awards. . The competition will now go into its final stage of judging, ahead of the awards ceremony held at the House of Lords on Tuesday 4th February 2020. Sheffiel...
Barking & Dagenham - Opt for zero SEV policy
At their Assembly meeting on 20th November, Barking & Dagenham opted for a zero SEV (Sexual Entertainment Venue) policy. An extract from the meeting’s report, which includes feedback from public consultation, the revised policy (to be r...
Advertising Standards Authority and KFC…
The ASA has recently upheld a complaint about a poster advertisement and a press advertisement for KFC,’ on the basis that the use of the word ‘cluck’ was too close to a commonly used profanity. The ‘offending’ poste...
Major change if you have TV’s In Bedroom Accommodation
The Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC) is a royalty collection society which represents the majority of the big film companies and some television companies/producers and recovers royalty fees for broadcast of productions by its members in a ...
Smart Water Scheme for Licensed Premises is expanded to whole of South Yorkshire
We had previously reported on a Smartwater Scheme receiving funding for Licensed Premises in Sheffield. Any project which helps promote a welcoming and friendly environment and deters troublesome clientele is clearly of benefit to licenced premis...