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Premier Inn Property Update
We are privileged to have been retained by Whitbread over many years as sole advisor in respect of licensing and particularly in respect of their entire and extensive new build programme throughout England, Wales and Scotland. You...
Minimum pricing developments both sides of the border?
England & Wales: Queen's speech: No measures for alcohol and cigarette restrictions No new laws have been set out by the Queen at the State Opening of Parliament in relation to alcohol and cigarette restrictions with immigration steal...
'Live' from Hartlepool - Council reject adoption of EMRO
In what may prove to be a decision of far reaching significance, the Hartlepool Licensing Committee has just decided not to impose an Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order (EMRO) on the town's centre. Representations had been received from seve...
Scotland - BREAKING NEWS - minimum pricing legal challenge update
The Court of Session in Edinburgh has determined that the minimum pricing measures proposed by the Scottish Government of 50p per unit, which were challenged by numerous bodies (including the Scotch Whisky Association), are "not incompatible with ...
Scotland - Edinburgh Sunday Trading relaxation
At its meeting on the 29 April 2013, the Edinburgh Licensing Board confirmed that its Board policy had now been amended so as to allow premises to open from 11.00 am on Sundays (bringing forward the opening hour from 12.30pm) and thereby bringin...
West End Policy calls for modification of Late Night Levy
A commission set up by Westminster City Council has called for a modification to the Late Night Levy together with central London authorities being given opt-outs from planning and licensing rules and access to funds raised from a proposed "touris...