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Gambling - Peer to peer online poker review
The Gambling Commission are reviewing the regulations in relation to online peer to peer (to be distinguished from playing the operator). This appears to be a multi stage process with the first stage being a process to obtain information from lic...
Camden to re-consult on Late Night Levy
Camden Licensing Committee last night agreed to re-consult on their proposals for a Late Night Levy. The previous consultation was deemed to have been ‘flawed’ – see our article 'Camden Council - Late Night Levy - Update: Consul...
Gambling Commission Bingo appeal decision reserved
Further to our previous news articles ('Gambling Commission to Appeal Greene King Decision?') in relation to the application for a Bingo Operating Licence by Greene King we understand the appeal by the Gambling Commission was heard yesterday and t...
Gambling - New Consultation on Crime & Disorder and the LCCP
The Gambling Commission commenced yet another consultation on 30th September. This will run until 30th December and invites operators and members of the public to participate. The focus of the consultation is said to be on "improving practices to...
National Minimum Wage rates increase today
A reminder that National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates increase today. The main increases are as follows: a 20p (3%) increase in the adult rate (from £6.50 to £6.70 per hour) a 17p (3%) increase in the rate for 18 to 20 year ...
England - Carrier Bag Charge goes live 5 October
A reminder that a 5p charge will come into effect on single use carrier bags in England next Monday. The charge, which will be paid by customers, follows the introduction of similar levies in other parts of the UK. The purpose of the single use c...