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House of Lords report - A new EU Alcohol Strategy?
The House of Lords European Union Committee has today published its report 'A new EU Alcohol Strategy?' The report looks at alcohol abuse and harms, the EU Alcohol Strategy 2006-12 and the case for continued EU action as well as possible policy a...
Gambling - Legislative Reform (Exempt Lotteries) Order Update
Due to Parliamentary business, the Exempt Lotteries Legislative Reform Order has been withdrawn and will be resubmitted after the General Election 2015. Full details of the Order can be found here.
Scotland - Statistical Bulletin Crime and Justice Series: Scottish Liquor Licensing Statistics 2013-14
The Scottish Government has produced a Statistical Bulletin "Scottish Liquor Licensing Statistics 2013-14" providing detailed information on premises and personal licences in force, applications and review. The figures show the overall number of ...
Gambling - FOBT - Various developments
The House of Commons Library has published a standard note in relation to Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) The document sets out, amongst other matters, that Government Policy is to consider the findings of research published in December 2014...
Gambling - Gambling Commission Consultation on Guidance to Local Authorities
We understand the Gambling Commission will shortly publish a 12 week consultation on a revised Guidance to Local Authorities (GLA) in relation to gambling law. This arises in part due to the changes to the LCCP upon which we have commented previo...
Breaking News: Government issues response to the consultation on locally-set fees under the Licensing Act 2003
Last year, the Government consulted on its proposals for locally-set licensing fees. It has today published its response to the consultation stating: "The Government has decided not to introduce locally-set licensing fees at the present time. Ins...
Scotland - Sexual Entertainment Venues
The Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill, which included for the licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEV), has continued it passage through the Scottish Parliamentary Process. In evidence to the Local Government Committee on the 18th F...