Latest News

30 Oct 2018

Marriage / civil ceremony licences – proposed changes

In England & Wales, premises are able to obtain a licence from the Local Authority allowing them to hold marriages and civil ceremonies. Currently, premises for the purposes of these licences “means a permanently immovable structure com...

29 Oct 2018

NLW/NMW - and the Budget 2018

Alongside today’s various budget announcements was confirmation of the National Living Wage (NLW) rates for those 25 and over to become effective in April 2019, alongside increases to the National Minimum Wage. It would appear that these ra...

29 Oct 2018

Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing statistics 2018

The Home Office has just published statistics relating to alcohol and late night refreshment licensing in England and Wales – something it has done on an annual basis (other than years ending 31 March 2011 and 31 March 2015) for some time. ...

26 Oct 2018

Crowd- Funded Judicial Review to challenge Hackney Licensing Restrictions

We Love Hackney a not for profit company set up by local residents, has instructed a Specialist Public Law Solicitors to apply to Judicially Review  Hackney Borough Councils Licensing Policy. The policy enlarged the Special Policy Area for S...

26 Oct 2018

Christmas and New Year’s Tens 2018

Some people only begin their Christmas preparations when they have seen a well-known advert from a soft drinks company! However, planning for your TENs for the festive period should take place much earlier than that, to help your premises maximis...

24 Oct 2018

Gambling Licence conditions and codes of practice changes

The Gambling commission has announced changes to the Licence conditions and codes of practice which will come into force on 31st October. The changes mean gambling companies that break advertising rules or breach consumer law will face tougher ac...