Latest News

12 Sep 2018

Alcohol Taxation and the Pub Trade – Parliamentary Briefing

We occasionally alert to Parliamentary Library Briefing Papers of possible passing interest to our sector.  This House of Commons Library Briefing Paper provides information on how alcohol is taxed from the introduction of the duty escalator ...

11 Sep 2018

Scotland - Dumbarton Festive Extensions

It is being reported that  the West Dunbartonshire Licensing Board has agreed the policy on the granting of applications over extended hours over for 2018/2019’s festive season. This year the period for granting applications for extend...

11 Sep 2018

UKHospitality response to PPL/MPLC Copyright Consultations

UKHospitality the trade body representing over 65,000 in the sector, including pubs, hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, and more. Indicated its proposed action in response to Consultations by the PPL (Collection Society representing record companies...

06 Sep 2018

Home Office advise Employers to use EU Settled Status Communications Toolkit

A Home Office “communications  toolkit” has been made available to assist EU citizen employees apply for settled status. Although applications, can only be made from March 2019, the toolkit will assist in planning in advance of t...

06 Sep 2018

Gambling – Gambling Commission consultation on strengthening age and identity verification for online gambling

The Gambling Commission is seeking views on proposed changes to the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) in order to strengthen age and identity verification for online gambling. The proposed changes would require online gambling ...

03 Sep 2018

Scotland – Personal Licence Renewals – fees confirmed

Earlier this month, The Scottish Government issued the Personal Licence Holder Communications Document and our article on that can be found here. The main outstanding question was the fee level for the renewal, which has now been confirmed at &po...