Latest News

05 Feb 2014

Banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT - guidance issued

The Government has today published its guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT for England and Wales. The relevant guidance document can be found here: 'Guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty...

05 Feb 2014

Scotland - Minimum Unit Pricing - Back in the Court of Session

The Court of Session in Edinburgh yesterday commenced hearing the appeal from the Scotch Whisky Association over the Scottish Government’s plans to introduce a minimum price of 50p a unit. The Appeal, which is due to take eight days, follow...

30 Jan 2014

Birmingham - ban of super-strength alcohol?

Following on from the campaign launched by Partners in Suffolk to stop the sale of super-strength alcohol from off-licences in Ipswich in September 2012 (at which time off-licence owners were asked to remove those products from their stores), Birm...

29 Jan 2014

Managing World Cup 'success' - and we are not presuming anything!

Further to our previous news alerting to critical matches/dates and times (LINK), the BBPA, in association with the Local Government Association and the Association of Chef Police Officers, has produced a guide and advice for licensees showing Wor...

28 Jan 2014

Deregulation Bill - update

The Government’s Deregulation Bill was introduced and published last Thursday and Friday respectively and its alcohol and entertainment measures include: Temporary Event Notices (TENs) - increasing permitted number of TENs from 12 to 15 per...

28 Jan 2014

Scotland - 125ml Wine Measure

The Weights & Measures (Specified Quantities) (Unwrapped Bread and Intoxicating Liquor) Order of 2011 confirms wine can be sold by measures of 125ml and 175ml or multiples of either with a permitted sample sale of 75ml. However, in recent yea...