Latest News

16 Apr 2020

Gambling - Credit card ban comes into force

As we have previously reported, the Gambling Commission and DCMS’s proposal to ban the use of credit card for gambling.   On Tuesday (14th April 2020), the ban came into force.  The ban will not apply to National Lottery tick...

15 Apr 2020

Covid 19 - What you need to know - LGA Advice

Just before the Easter weekend the Local Government Association (LGA), published a useful note providing a summary of issues councils’ licensing teams and others have raised with the LGA and outlines how these could be managed based on a set...

14 Apr 2020

Covid 19 - What you need to know - Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

We have previously reported guidance issued by the Government regarding the  Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.  On Thursday 9th April, the Government updated their guidance providing new information on eligibility and pension contributio...

09 Apr 2020

Covid 19 - What you need to know - Police Briefing

We have previously reported about guidance published by the College of Policing regarding Policing the restrictions imposed by the Government in response to the Covid19 outbreak. The National Police Chiefs’ Council and College of Policing h...

08 Apr 2020

Covid19 - What you need to know - Letter from Kit Malthouse MP

Today Kit Malthouse MP, Minster of State for Crime & Policing, has emailed all Licensing Committees in England & Wales. A copy of the letter can be found here. The Minister urges  licensing hearing to be progressed wherever possible...

08 Apr 2020

Covid19 - What you need to know - Local Authority Business Support

Many Local Authorities have now created pages on their websites outlining the range of business support on offer locally and via the national Governments.  We have scoured the net and put together a central directory for businesses looking f...