Latest News

17 Jan 2023

Scotland Issue New Guidance to Licensing Boards

Following on the updated Guidance issued for England and Wales, the Scottish Government has also issued revised guidance to their Boards. The new Guidance can be found here 'Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 section 142: Guidance for Licensing Boards...

17 Jan 2023

Consultation: Late Night Levy

The Home Office has launched a new consultation regarding charges which apply to late-night refreshment (LNR) providers under various Late Night Levy (LNL) schemes across England and Wales.  The consultation does not concern other licensed pr...

17 Jan 2023

Institute of Licensing | " Licensing Service Extension Announcement"

The Institute of Licensing (‘the IoL’) yesterday (16th January 2023) reported that “The Cabinet Office will be extending the existing GOV.UK Licensing service for 2 years until the end of March 2025. GDS will continue to support ...

13 Jan 2023

A Busy Start to the New Year - Enforcement Action Seems to be on the Rise

On Monday the 9th of January two of the firm’s Partners, Christopher Grunert and Luke Elford, were separately involved in two Expedited Review hearings in Sheffield and Westminster, respectively. Luke’s Westminster hearing, which invol...

12 Jan 2023

No Standalone Spiking Offence to be created by the Government

We have, over recent months, reported a number of times on the issue of spiking whether by needle or in drinks. In February last year, we reported in our article 'Drink Spiking to be made a criminal offence' that, the then Home Secretar...

10 Jan 2023

England Single Use Plastics

Scotland have already implemented a ban on the use of some single-use plastic items, Wales have legislated with the ban to come into force later this year and following recent announcements, it looks like similar legislation is to be passed coveri...