Latest News

15 Nov 2018

Gambling - B2 stake reduction brought forward to April 2019

In the recent Budget the Chancellor stated that the stake reduction on B2 gaming machines, which was announced by the Government in May 2018, from £100 to £2 would come into effect in October 2019. The delay in the implementation of t...

13 Nov 2018

Westminster - Hoteliers to pay for affordable homes

As reported by Property Week and the Caterer, Westminster are currently consulting on a new City plan for 2019 – 2040 which includes proposals effecting developers in London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ). The majority of the Westmins...

13 Nov 2018

Planning application for flats refused due to an objection by music venue

It is reported in the Bournemouth Echo that a Planning Application to convert a building into six flats has been refused and one of the factors taken into account was the representation lodged by the Academy Music Group who operate in close proxim...

09 Nov 2018

Taxi - Craven District Council Policy upheld

Craven District Council’s Taxi Licensing Committee successfully defended their new robust policy on three occasions this week. In Appeals listed in Harrogate and Skipton, three Appeals were disposed of in the Council’s favour.  I...

08 Nov 2018

Premises Licence Holders! Checking your Annual Fee Invoice could save you Money!

Many Premises Licence Holders have recently been receiving their invoices to pay their annual fees from their Licensing Authorities. You should carefully check the request, as many of our clients have found the annual fee multiplier applied to th...

06 Nov 2018

Gambling - Mandatory and Default Conditions

The Gambling Commission have recently published a helpful table contrasting the mandatory and default regulation between Scotland and England & Wales, which are subject to similar but different requirements. Here is a link to the Commission&r...