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Gambling - Survey published showing participation levels in gambling for England
The Gambling Commission has today issued a press release which refers to the results of a survey into the levels of participation in Gambling in England. The press release can be found here, which will in turn lead you to the full survey itself. ...
Cheltenham to introduce late-night levy
Cheltenham Borough Council has voted in favour of introducing a Late Night Levy which will come into effect from April 2014. The Council resolution has adopted the proposals previously submitted in the Consultation document: premises that are li...
Leeds Report undermines Late Night Levy
On the 18 December 2013 Leeds Executive Board will consider a report prepared and approved by the Council’s Scrutiny Board at their meeting on the 18 November 2013 which casts doubts upon the effectiveness of the Late Night Levy. The Sc...
Festive enforcement action?
We know that the season of goodwill is also not uncommonly a time for increased enforcement activity by the authorities. You – and your staff – should be aware and alert and ensure that due diligence systems are ‘dusted off...
DCMS Entertainment Licensing Statistics in the year to 31 March 2013
Last month the Home Office released statistics relating to alcohol and late night refreshment licensing in England and Wales as at 31 March 2013. Our article on this can be found here. This month it is the turn of the DCMS who have now released t...
Gambling - Further Test Purchase Operations By The Gambling Commission
The Gambling Commission (in conjunction with local authorities) has undertaken a further round of test purchasing in relation to the access by under 18’s to gambling premises and the use of gambling facilities by those under 18 year old. Th...