Latest News

01 May 2014

Local Authorities Wide Discretion confirmed... again!

On the 27th March we reported the outcome of a Judicial Review Application by Operators of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEV) in Leeds, Bean Leisure and Ruby May, which upheld Leeds' decision not to renew the SEV licence of the Applicants and affir...

30 Apr 2014

Scotland - Edinburgh - and 'over provision' of off licences in particular?

The 2013 Edinburgh Licensing Policy asserts that there is over provision of off-licences in certain specified areas of the City with the usual presumption against grant. We had the good fortune to be appearing before the Edinburgh Licensing Board...

30 Apr 2014

'Gambling Protections and Control': Restriction on Betting Offices

The Government has today published its document Gambling Protections and Control which provides Local authorities with enhanced powers to control the number of betting shops opening in their area. The document states that “as part of the Go...

25 Apr 2014

Scotland - Personal Licence Refresher Training - Important Reminder

We make no apology for joining the chorus of concern at the apparent slow take up of the required refresher training for all Scottish personal licence holders. For many, time may be beginning to run out. There are widespread reports of a very slo...

24 Apr 2014

World Cup extensions - important reminder

With under 7 weeks to go to the World Cup, a reminder that: The proposed Government relaxation of licensing hours only applies in England (not Wales or Scotland) and to matches England actually play in so if (as the optimists amongst us hope) Eng...

24 Apr 2014

Gambling Commission review of LCCP and regulation of Bingo

The Gambling Commission have announced a review to "strengthen social responsibility and player protection" in the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice and Guidance to Local Authorities. This will take into account the following; the Secreta...