Latest News

18 Jun 2019

Bradford launches new scheme targeting retailers selling super strength cans of lager to street drinkers

It has been reported that West Yorkshire Police are involved in a 3 month trial in Bradford’s Top of Town District of ‘tagging’ high strength alcoholic products to aid tracing the product back to the retailer. The scheme, funded...

18 Jun 2019

Building Regulations Consultation - Changing Places Toilets

The Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government are currently undertaking a public consultation regarding  ways to increase provision of Changing Places toilets in specific new, large buildings commonly used by the public, as well ...

17 Jun 2019

Gambling - Alternative dispute resolution- Standards and Guidance for providers

We previously reported that the Gambling Commission were carrying out a consultation regarding proposed changes to the LCCP in respect of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) providers. Operators of gambling businesses are required to make provis...

17 Jun 2019

Gambling - Gambling Commission - Customer Interaction Video

The LCCPs require all Operators of have in place measures to identify players at risk of harm and to interact with those members of the public in order to reduce that risk.  The LCCPs expect Operators to ask themselves: Are&nb...

17 Jun 2019

PPL - Specially Featured Entertainment tariff - legal challenge

We have previously reported on the scope, structure, fees and implementation of a new PPL Specially Featured Entertainment (“SFE”) tariff, coming into effect on 1 July 2019.   UKHospitality and the British Beer & Pu...

14 Jun 2019

Scotland - Edinburgh consult on future of theatre licensing

From 27th January 2021 The Theatres Act 1968 (the Act) will no longer be in force in Scotland. This is because of changes brought about by the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 which will be fully implemented from that date.  The ...