Latest News

04 Apr 2013

Hotel mini bars - To license or not to license

Recent trade press reports have indicated a trend away from mini bars in bedrooms at hotels. It is perhaps a timely reminder of the question of when and whether residential rooms/hotel bedrooms/letting rooms should be included within the license...

04 Apr 2013

Motorway Service Areas - Licensable or not?

News that two national operators are looking to open licensed outlets at motorway service areas (MSAs) has justifiably raised the question as to whether it is possible to sell alcohol in such areas. The traditional headline was that it was not po...

28 Mar 2013

Revised Gambling Codes of Practice

  The Gambling Commission has recently issued a  consolidated codes of practice, the Commission issue codes of practice under section 24 of the Gambling Act 2005, about the manner in which facilities for gambling are provided&...

22 Mar 2013

Hartlepool - Proposed EMRO

As you will be aware, Hartlepool Council is currently consulting on the proposed adoption of an EMRO, the first Authority to do so.  The expiry date for representations is 28 March. On behalf of clients we have today filed what we believe ...

22 Mar 2013

Scotland - Drink Drive Limits

The Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, has confirmed that the Government intends to lower the drink drive limit in Scotland.  Following a consultation in which 74% of respondents agreed that the drink drive limit should be reduce...

14 Mar 2013

Scotland - Military ID Cards To Be Approved

We are seeing reports that the Scottish Government plans to extend the range of identification documents which can be accepted by someone selling age restricted products, including alcohol. These will include military I.D. cards, EU National I....