Latest News

05 Nov 2014

Scotland - Non Payment of Annual Licence Fees - Reminder

Under the Licensing Fees (Scotland) Regulations 2007, payment of the annual Premises Licence fee is due on 1st October each year. Payment of that fee is a mandatory condition on all Premises Licences. We have seen press reports which suggest tha...

04 Nov 2014

Fixed Odds Betting Terminals - The story continues

News reaches us of two interesting developments in relation to the area of FOBT's - these appear regularly in the press and are an area of some controversy. It has been announced that the UK's major Bookmakers and machine suppliers will from the ...

04 Nov 2014

Alert - "Anonymous Global Event" - Wednesday 5 November 2014

  The protest group, Anonymous, is apparently planning a ‘global event’ on Bonfire Night and will include a protest march through parts of London by Operation Vendetta. A briefing note has been issued by the Metropolitan Police a...

03 Nov 2014

Food hygiene enforcement 'on the increase'

The Food Standards Agency has just published their "annual report on UK local authority food law enforcement" across the UK. This shows a small increase of 1% in the number of instances of formal enforcement actions carried out on food establishme...

31 Oct 2014

Pub news or Gambling news....or both!

Earlier this year Greene King applied for and was refused the grant of an Operating Licence as the first step to offer wider Bingo in its Pubs. There is of course the ability for all pubs with the appropriate alcohol premises licence to offer bi...

29 Oct 2014

Business Rates revaluation - update

The Government has initiated the 2017 business rates revaluation, by laying an Order which specifies 1 April 2015 as the valuation date for the new assessments. From 2017 business rates bills should therefore reflect property rental values as at ...