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Managing World Cup 'success' - and we are not presuming anything!
Further to our previous news alerting to critical matches/dates and times (LINK), the BBPA, in association with the Local Government Association and the Association of Chef Police Officers, has produced a guide and advice for licensees showing Wor...
Scotland - 125ml Wine Measure
The Weights & Measures (Specified Quantities) (Unwrapped Bread and Intoxicating Liquor) Order of 2011 confirms wine can be sold by measures of 125ml and 175ml or multiples of either with a permitted sample sale of 75ml. However, in recent yea...
Over-Provision of alcohol in Dundee?
On 16 January 2014 Dundee City Licensing Board was provided with an Overprovision Submission by Dundee City Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP). The full assessment of overprovision including a statement can be found here. The ADP suggested that t...
Garages - Is s176 Licensing Act 2003 incompatible with the EU Services Directive?
Section 176 Licensing Act 2003 provides that "No premises licence... has effect to authorise the sale by retail or supply of alcohol on or from... premises used primarily as a garage" (‘garage' being defined as premises selling petrol or der...
World Cup - Brazil 2014 - advance notice!
At the time of preparing this article we are 151 days from the kick-off of the World Cup with the match between hosts Brazil and Croatia kicking off at 21:00 on 12 June in Sao Paulo. In 1966 England delivered an excellent World Cup and introduced...
Cheshire East Resolve to Continue
Further to our recent news on the convening of the Cheshire East Licensing Committee to consider the commencement of consultation on the imposition of a Late Night Levy or EMRO we are advised by the Licensing Authority that... “The Members ...
Gaming Machine Stakes and prizes increase at 00.01
We understand that the increase in stakes and prizes for certain gaming machines reported on in previous articles will take effect at 00.01 am on 15th January 2014. This is because no comments or objections were received to the proposal from Euro...