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19 Aug 2014

Think Tank appeals for 'treatment tax' on off-trade sales

The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), a think tank set up in 2004 to tackle Britain's deepest social problems and the experience of those whose lives have been affected by poverty, has recommended a number of measures to tackle drink and drug addic...

19 Aug 2014

Gaming - Continuation rights... four weeks and counting

Offshore gambling operators who are currently regulated overseas but who provide online (remote) gambling to consumers in Britain have until 16 September 2014 to apply for a continuation licence which will prevent their business being impacted by ...

15 Aug 2014

Scotland - Alcohol Focus Scotland - Review of Statements of Licensing Policy

Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS), Scotland's national alcohol charity, (whose published aim is "Reduce Harm caused by Alcohol") has published a report analysing Licensing Board Policies in Scotland.  AFS analysed the 25 policies and comments that...

12 Aug 2014

Scotland - Gambling to transfer to Scottish Parliament? - possible impact on both gambling and alcohol licensed premises

On the 23rd April 2014 a Ministerial Conference and Summit took place in Glasgow in respect of Tackling Payday Lending and Gambling in Scottish Town Centres and Neighbourhoods.  Following the summit it was announced that Derek Mackay ...

11 Aug 2014

Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Misuse launches 'manifesto'

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Misuse has today launched its manifesto which in its forward states "is not designed to end or curtail people's enjoyment of alcohol - many people enjoy alcohol responsibly and in moderation. Instead it...

11 Aug 2014

Abolishing personal licence renewals - will it be done in time? No, now 'confirmed'!

We have previously reported on the suggestion that personal licence renewals in England and Wales may still be required after all in 2015, as proposals to remove the requirement to renew are stalled in Parliament.  See our article 'Abolishing...