Latest News

15 Sep 2016

'Consultation on aides memoire for food law enforcement officers' - 'game keepers' guides

For those of you who are operator ‘poachers’, you may be interested in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) consultation below. New guidance to help food law enforcement officers assess approved premises is under review and the FSA are see...

09 Sep 2016

Scotland - Annual Licence Fee Payments

Just a timely and hopefully friendly reminder that annual fees will fall due on the 3rd October for all Scottish premises licences (this is due to the fact that 1st October is a Saturday). A demand for payment of the annual fee from the Board sho...

09 Sep 2016

Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - now Weymouth?

We have previously expressed our concern at the trend of seeking to introduce breathalyser testing on entry to licensed premises – see for example our article: 'Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - a cause for concern?'  We are now seeing...

06 Sep 2016

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) (as opposed to Late Night Levies)

As you will know, BIDs are increasingly being adopted in town and city centres - and also in preference at times to the possible implementation of a Late Night Levy. For those interested, a Parliamentary Briefing Paper has recently been published...

06 Sep 2016

Gambling - In-play (in-running) betting position paper published

The Gambling Commission have just updated their position on ‘in-play’ betting to reflect changes in the market, technological advances and our experience in regulating the industry. In-play betting (or in-running or live betting as it...

06 Sep 2016

Gambling - Commission issue 'crane' machine reminder

Operators are being reminded by the Gambling Commission that crane grab machines must follow gambling rules and regulations. They are not automatically exempt from gambling control. The reminder follows a series of cases in which crane grab ...