Latest News

21 Oct 2013

Lambeth Council - EMRO consultation launched

Lambeth Council’s licensing policy consultation period, previously reported here, recently ended on 7 October 2013. The Council has now launched another consultation, this time considering the implementation of an Early Morning Restriction ...

16 Oct 2013

Woking - EMRO and late night levy rejected

  Last night, the Licensing Committee at Woking Council resoundingly voted against implementation of an EMRO or Late Night Levy (9:2).  The Licensing Committee concluded that an EMRO would deter local business development and would o...

16 Oct 2013

Warrington - EMRO consultation rejected

  Last night Warrington's Licensing Committee considered a motion to commence a consultation in respect of EMRO within an area covered by the Borough Council. The Licensing Committee unanimously voted against entering into a consultation and...

10 Oct 2013

Updated - Government Response to Triennial Review of Gaming Machine Stakes and Prizes

The Government has today issued a response to the consultation on proposals to change the maximum stakes and prizes for category B , C and D Gaming Machines. The full document can be viewed by following the link below but a summary of the main pr...

09 Oct 2013

Newcastle Late Night Levy - Best Practice Scheme

As previously advised, the Newcastle City Council Late Night Levy is due to come into force 1 November 2013. The Council has now announced details of the previously suggested ‘Best Practice Scheme’, now launched, which initially will ...

02 Oct 2013

Gambling - Money Laundering and Social Resonsibility

News reaches us that the Gambling Commission have published statements in relation to two police investigations concerning moneylaundering in gambling premises. The Commission have stated:  “following a police investigation the commis...