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13 Feb 2014

'Local Alcohol Action Areas' announced

Last October, the Home Office wrote to Local Authority Chief Executives inviting expressions of interest to take part in a Local Alcohol Action Area (LAAA) project, which aimed to offer up to 20 areas with ‘high alcohol-related harms’ ...

12 Feb 2014

Scotland: Review of Alcohol Licensing Fees - Steering Group: Recommendation to Scottish Ministers

The Scottish Government recently issued the report looking at alcohol licensing fees, un-snappily entitled the ‘Review of Alcohol Licensing Fees – Steering Group: Recommendation to Scottish Ministers’. The report itself be found...

11 Feb 2014

Lancet Report - Minimum Unit Pricing - "will save UK lives"

As the Appeal into minimum pricing enters its second week in Scotland a report published in the Lancet has stated that setting a minimum alcohol price of 45 pence a unit in Britain would cut deaths and hospital time among heavy drinkers - i.e. the...

11 Feb 2014

Irresponsible Drinking Promotions - 'NekNominate'

This weekend saw the death of a 20 year old, who died after downing a lethal concoction of whisky, vodka, wine and lager.  This was coupled with a second British death linked to the craze which has been termed ‘NekNominate’ when a...

10 Feb 2014

Breaking news - Blackpool 'reject' the adoption of an EMRO!

Blackpool Licensing Committee has just released their determination on the application for an EMRO, which hearing took place over 4 days last week. The Licensing Committee has unanimously resolved to recommend to the full council that the EMRO sh...

07 Feb 2014

Gambling - Illegal Poker clubs - GC Clamping down

The Gambling Commission has announced a crackdown on suspected illegal poker clubs across the country with Illegal operators being targeted by Local Authorities, with support from the Commission. It is stated on the Commissions website that a num...