Latest News

22 Jul 2014

Reform of anti-social behaviour powers - statutory guidance issued

The Home Office has recently published the ‘Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014: Reform of anti-social behaviour powers Statutory guidance for frontline professionals', replacing the previous draft guidance issued in October ...

22 Jul 2014

Further Detail - De-Regulation of Entertainment Licensing

Further to our earlier news item regarding the responses to the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) consultation to changes to entertainment licensing, more detail has become available by way of The Legislative Reform (Entertainment Licen...

21 Jul 2014

Best Bar None Sheffield - Launch Event

The Best Bar None scheme in Sheffield is holding a launch event this Wednesday 23rd July between 10am and 12pm at the Sheffield Town Hall. This year the scheme has been extended to include not only the city centre premises but those on Ecclesall ...

17 Jul 2014

Food Information Regulations 2014

Earlier this year, we reported on the Food Standards Agency's issued Guidance on providing customers with food allergen information - see our article 'Allergy and Intolerance: Guidance for Businesses', relating to the Guidance and EU Food Informat...

17 Jul 2014

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council - Late Night Levy and Early Morning Restriction Order update

Weymouth & Portland Borough Council has had a potential Late Night Levy and Early Morning Restriction Order to tackle anti-social behaviour (particularly within Weymouth) on the Agenda for some time. Last year when the options were first disc...

17 Jul 2014

Chelmsford Approves Late Night Levy

Further to our news item of 4th July 2014 ('Chelmsford Next for Levy?'), we can confirm that on 16th July 2014 the full Council met and approved the Levy which will commence on 1st November 2014. It is believed that some 41 premises will be requi...