Latest News

12 Oct 2017

Gaming - Responsible Gaming Week 2017 - Starts Today!

Responsible Gambling Week starts today.  It is a national, cross-industry initiative to promote responsible gambling, running until 18th October. This is the first year of the campaign, and the theme is “Let’s Talk Abou...

11 Oct 2017

Bank of England launches new Banknote Checking Scheme

The Bank of England has recently launched a new banknote checking scheme,  in a statement announcing the launch the Bank of England stated their desire to support retailers and businesses by providing the tools and information you need to inc...

11 Oct 2017

Newport to introduce new CSE policy for Taxi Drivers

On Thursday 12th October, Newport City Council’s Cabinet Member for Licensing & Regulation will meet to consider revisions to their Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Policies. A greater focus on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) issues ...

11 Oct 2017

Food Standards Agency - New advice on eating runny eggs

The Food Standards Agency has today announced a change to its advice about eating eggs - infants, children, pregnant women and elderly people can now safely eat raw or lightly cooked eggs that are produced under the British Lion Code of Practice. ...

06 Oct 2017

Sheffield - Positive Action to Tackle Knife Crime

Last weekend’s report of knives being used in attacks at a Sheffield venue regrettably is the latest example in a unwanted National trend. In April the Office for National Statistics published key statistics for 2016 which showed a 14% incr...

04 Oct 2017

Taxi - TfL confirms changes to private hire operator licence fees

Transport for London has confirmed an increase to private hire operators fees. The previous fee, last reviewed in April 2013, had two simple bands for private hire operators.  Less than 11 cars: £1,488, and 11+ cars: £2,826. The...