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20 Jul 2022

Spiking - Government response to Ninth report of Home Affairs Committee

On 26th April the Home Affairs Committee published its Ninth Report of session 2021 -22 which dealt with Drinks Spiking. The Government has now published its response to this report. The initial report made 12 recommendations and the full Govern...

19 Jul 2022

Loot Boxes to Remain Unregulated

The Government has decided that so called computer game “loot boxes” will not fall under the scope of the Gambling Act 2005. Despite finding a link between loot boxes and gambling harms, the Government has suggested that the video gam...

19 Jul 2022

‘Swift, Certain, Tough: New Consequences for Drug Possession’ white paper

The Home office yesterday published a consultation regarding proposed reforms to the criminal justice system and how it deals with adult drug possession offences and proposed changes to ‘drug testing on arrest’ powers. The consultatio...

15 Jul 2022

Private Members 'Tips' Bill receives Government Backing

The Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill, introduced by Dean Russell MP has today (Friday 15th July) undergone its ‘second reading’ in the legislative process and has now been backed by the government. The aim of the Bill is to ensure...

15 Jul 2022

Home Office States Automatic Off-Licence Provision to be extended

In a letter to the IoL Chairman, Dan Davies, on Thursday the Home Office has confirmed plans to extend the automatic provision for off-sales to licences in England & Wales. During Covid the Government made several interventions to support the...

13 Jul 2022

Off sales relaxations to end?

In May 2022, we reported on the comments of Paul Regan of the Neighbourhood Crime Unit at the Home Office who wrote to Licensing Authorities stating in respect of pandemic related off sales relaxations: “given the absence of Covid restricti...