Latest News

06 Jun 2017

Summary Review - First s.53D interim steps appeal dismissed

It is being reported by Cornerstone Barristers that Bedford Borough Council have successfully resisted what is thought to be the first appeal under s.53D of the Licensing Act 2003, against a decision that an interim step of suspension should conti...

06 Jun 2017

Sheffield - Project Argus - Free terrorist awareness training - 14th June 1230pm

Project Argus training is delivered by Special Branch and it is to better equip operators to deal with a terrorist incident in premises. This free training will be available on 14 June  12.30- 3.30pm 'Project ARGUS is a NaCTSO led initiative...

05 Jun 2017

Scotland - personal licences - 'fit and proper'

We have been alerted to a recent Sheriff Court decision (thank you Scott Blair, Terra Firma Chambers) which seems to show that the discretion of the Board on a personal licence application is broad and that a Board is permitted to draw reasonable ...

05 Jun 2017

Towers Hamlets Late Night Levy - new consultation launched

Further to our recent news that Towers Hamlets proposed Late Night Levy had been successfully challenged, we can confirm that the Council has re-launched its consultation about its introduction. This new consultation can be found here - http://ww...

31 May 2017

Sheffield City Council admits failure to comply with equality duty over Spearmint Rhino Licence

As reported by the Local Government Lawyer Sheffield City Council formally acknowledged that it failed to comply with the public sector equality duty when making a decision to renew an SEV licence is respect of a Spearmint Rhino premises which had...

31 May 2017

Gambling - Latest Industry Statistics

In May and November the Gambling Commission publish Industry statistics.  The latest report can be found here. The statistics show the gambling industry demonstrates continued growth in most areas with the exception of bingo and the National...