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09 Feb 2016

Gaming - Local Risk Assessments go live 6th April 2016

With effect from 6th April 2016 the updated social responsibility code 10.1.1. will take effect which reads: Licensees must assess the local risks to the licensing objectives posed by the provision of gambling facilities at each of their premises...

08 Feb 2016

Pump and Boneyard, Shoreditch - appeal

Philip Kolvin QC (Cornerstone Barristers) has kindly alerted us to this interesting case on which he was involved. The facts of the case read a bit like a best-selling novel but the decision before the magistrates last week on appeal was also reve...

05 Feb 2016

Essence Bars (London) Ltd (or was it?!) -v- Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames - an Appeal Court decision

On Tuesday (3/2/16) the Court of Appeal published their judgment following a hearing and submission in December. The case concerned an Appeal against a decision of  Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (‘the Licensing Authority’...

03 Feb 2016

PPL and PRS to 'combine'?

PRS for Music and PPL have announced a proposal to create a new joint venture company to handle all public performance licensing for the UK. The two licences currently required by businesses playing music in public – one from PRS for the us...

03 Feb 2016

Scotland - Gambling - Commission Warning to Scottish Pubs

Publicans in Scotland are being reminded that they are breaking the law if they allow their pubs to be used for betting or provide facilities enabling betting.  This warning follows a multi-agency exercise undertaken by the Gambling Commissi...

03 Feb 2016

Wales - Vaping indoors concerns

At a recent meeting of the Welsh Assembly's Health and Social Care Committee, the difference in impact and harm of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes was discussed. The Health Minister (Mark Drakeford) argued that ‘vaping’ was dif...