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Wales Public Health Bill to ban e-cigarettes in enclosed places
The ‘Public Health (Wales) Bill', introduced yesterday, will seek to ban the use of e-cigarettes in enclosed and substantially enclosed public and work spaces. This will effectively bring them into line with rules for normal cigarettes and b...
New psychoactive substances ('legal highs') - parliamentary briefing
Further to our recent news 'Psychoactive Substances Bill' a new House of Commons Library briefing document covers the background to these substances, policies to target them, the current legislative framework and the New Psychoactive Substances Bi...
Propel Quarterly now available online
The latest Propel Quarterly from Paul Charity is now available online here. Always a good read, especially page 20!
Wales - Smoking In Cars
The Welsh National Assembly has just passed a law banning people from smoking in cars when children are present. Offenders will face a £50 fixed penalty notice from 1st October 2015 when this measure will come into force. This brings Wales...
Cheltenham Late Night Levy
As previously reported, Cheltenham Borough Council (Cheltenham) introduced their own Late Night Levy (LNL) on 1st April 2014. In response to a Freedom of Information request following the Levy's first anniversary, Cheltenham's answers reveal a sub...
Camden Council - Late Nigh Levy - Update
As we have earlier reported Camden are in the process of consulting on the implementation of a Late Night Levy, the proposed hours being midnight to 6am. The Consultation period closed on the 8 May 2015 with in excess of 180 responses being ...
Gambling - Gambling Commission publishes secondary analysis of participation data
The Commission has published analysis of trends in gambling behaviour for 2008-2014. The findings include: There has been a significant increase in remote gambling participation, gambling participation amongst those from the AB (1) social...