Latest News

19 Mar 2018

Low Alcohol Product Labelling

The Government has begun consulting on how to communicate information about low alcohol products. The consultation is seeking views on the introduction of recommended low alcohol descriptors through guidance rather than legislation. It w...

15 Mar 2018

Minimum Unit Pricing (Wales)

Yesterday we provided an update on the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) in Scotland. Also this week the process of introducing MUP in Wales took another step forward. On 13th March the Welsh Assembly voted in favour of a  motion t...

15 Mar 2018

Scotland - Consultation on updating the Licensing (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2007

Due to previous concerns raised about a lack of public participation in the licensing process, the Scottish Government has launched a consultation on updating the Licensing (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2007 seeking views on whether the Regul...

14 Mar 2018

Scotland - Minimum Unit Price Guidance

The Scottish Government has updated its guidance on the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP). A minimum unit price for alcohol is due start on 1 May 2018. The Scottish Government has proposed a price per unit of 50p to the Scottish Parliame...

12 Mar 2018

Possible EMRO for Barrow?

On Sunday 4th March Barrow Police posted the following tweet regarding a curfew for Barrow in Cumbria: What are you views on the licensing of the pubs and clubs in the town centre? Alcohol has a bit impact on our town, police, health & commun...

06 Mar 2018

Scotland - Licensing Policy review and over-provision

A reminder for those operators with interests north of the border. All Licensing Boards are required by law to put in place a newly revised policy statement including an updated assessment of overprovision by 4 November 2018. The new policy will...