Latest News

17 Mar 2016

Proposed Welsh Vaping Ban Falls

Yesterday in a somewhat surprising move the Welsh Assembly did not pass the Public Health Bill, the terms of which we have previously reported upon. This included a proposed partial ban on on e-cigarette use in some public places. The vote was ti...

17 Mar 2016

Horserace Betting Levy – Consultation Outcome

In 2014 and 2015, the Government issued three consultations dealing with the horserace betting levy: Extending the Horserace Betting Levy; Modernising the Horserace Betting Levy; and Horserace Betting Right. Summaries of the responses to those...

15 Mar 2016

Northern Restaurant and Bar Show - 15/16 March 2016

Here we are on 15 and 16 March in Manchester at the Northern Restaurant and Bar show, which is the biggest hospitality exhibition for the North of England.  Do come and see us if you are also there…  

15 Mar 2016

JG&P @ 20 - Charitable Update

Continuing our theme of encouraging firm wide charitable endeavour throughout our 20th anniversary year, partner Kate Redford has just walked the walk (or marched the March)! Along with some 5000 others and as part of a small group of friends she...

15 Mar 2016

New National Minimum Wage announced

The Low Pay Commission has just published its 2016 Spring Report on the minimum wage. The core focus of the report is the recommendations on the rates affecting workers under 25 and apprentices to apply from 1 October 2016 (see below) and the unde...

11 Mar 2016

Food Safety - FSA consults on 'rare burgers'

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is consulting on advice for food businesses and local authority enforcement officers on the safe preparation and service of burgers that are served pink or less than thoroughly cooked.  The growing popularity o...