Latest News

21 Mar 2017

Gloucester City Council postpone Late Night Levy decision

A meeting scheduled this week regarding Late night Levy Proposals,  has been postponed until the 24th July 2017. The Council indicated that it had received a number of consultation responses requesting a Business Improvement District (BID) t...

20 Mar 2017

Gambling - 4th Money Laundering Directive

The Treasury has recently released their response to their public consultation relating to the European 4th Money Laundering Directive. Under the existing Money Laundering Regulation, only holders of a casino operating licence are subject to the r...

16 Mar 2017

Licensing - new application forms are coming

The Licensing Act 2003 (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2017 (411/2017) have been laid before Parliament today. These Regulations will serve to update and amend various licensing application forms – some 20 in all - to take account of...

16 Mar 2017

Gambling - Changes to Operating licence fees

We have previously advised on proposed changes to the structure of Gambling Commission fees for Operating Licences. These proposals have now been finalised and on 6th April new regulations will come into force which will alter the regime for Oper...

14 Mar 2017

Gender pay gap reporting requirements - be aware

A bit off our usual area but as it will affect many operators within the leisure and licensed sector we are highlighting this new requirement. By 4 April 2018 all employers with 250 employees or more must publish a gender pay gap report on their ...

10 Mar 2017

Hackney - Late Night Levy - update

Further to our previous news on this, Hackney Council has now launched its consultation the adoption of a Late Night Levy (LNL). The consultation runs until 7 May 2017 and seeks views on proposals to introduce a LNL on premises serving alcohol be...