Latest News

01 Sep 2017

National Gambling statistics published

The Gambling Commission has recently published a report it had commissioned which analyses, for the first time since 2010, national gambling data The full report prepared by NatCen Social research can be found here: 'Gambling behaviour in Great ...

29 Aug 2017

City of Glasgow Licensing Board Meeting - 2017 to 2018

The Glasgow Licensing Board have recently set Board dates up to next summer recess.  The dates are: Friday 29 September 2017 Friday 27 October 2017 Friday 24 November 2017 Friday 15 December 2017 Friday 19 January 2018 Friday 16 Februar...

23 Aug 2017

Food Safety: "As sure as eggs is eggs" You must be in "no doubt" of your food supply chain.

Food Businesses and in particular Pubs, Restaurants and Hotels must make sure they have robust supplier management systems after the recent Fipronil egg scandal. The Food standards agency (FSA) initial calculation rose from around 23,000 to 700,0...

22 Aug 2017

Pubs shut after antisocial group comes to town

You may have read  weekend reports in the national press regarding incidents in Cromer, North Norfolk.  An antisocial group had come to the seaside town for the weekend and by Saturday Night all the pubs in the area decided to go into l...

22 Aug 2017

Gambling on your house!

From time to time we get enquiries from people wanting to sell their house and having difficulties in doing so even in these buoyant times in the current housing market. One option that some people consider and ask our advice about are so-called ...

21 Aug 2017

Barnet Council proposing to exclude “unhealthy” pubs and restaurants from business rates support

Barnet Council’s consultation on distribution of a rate relief funded by central government grant (£2.3m over four years) is due to close on the 29th August 2017 with a decision due in October 2017.   The council have proposed a ...