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UK pub and bar closures in 2022 approached highest level in a decade
An analysis of statistics from the Insolvency Service shows pub and bar bankruptcies across the UK were near the highest level in a decade with 512 companies going out of business in 2022, an increase of 56% from 2021 (which saw 280 insolvencies)....
Scotland - New measures to boost hospitality and town centre recovery - Tables & Chairs
The Scottish Government laid draft Regulations before the Scottish Parliament on Friday (10th February) which should lead to hospitality businesses being able to place tables and chairs on the pavement outside their premises without submitting a p...
Aberdeen Consult on Relaxation of General Extension Policy
Aberdeen Licensing Board have launched a consultation in relation to any dates in 2023 that “may be suitable for the grant of a general extension for events of a local or national significance. This would include potential dates within the f...
Liverpool City Council retain its Late Night Levy despite requests for it to be dropped
In a decision against the recent trend of removing Late Night Levies, Liverpool Licensing Committee are being reported as having decided to retain the LNL. This scheme had been introduced in Liverpool in 2016 and requires an additional fee to be ...
Propel Legal Briefing - Low premises licence? No Premises Licence by Luke Elford
First appearing for Propel Hospitality in their Legal Briefing on February 8th 2023 Low premises licence? No premises licence? By Luke Elford I once heard from a wise old licensing solicitor that “they didn’t really believe...
Nitrous Oxide - complete ban
Recreational drugs and highs are always developing and changing and in recent years there has been increased use of nitrous oxide, a gas which at one time could only be found in medical settings and used in medical procedures where it gained the c...
ONS releases data on night-time economy for 2022
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published data relating to the Night-time Economy. The statistics cover 2022 and have a focus on “understanding the people who work during the evening and night across the UK” The fu...