Latest News
Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme (AWRS) – update
Our monthly newsletter issued earlier in the week confirmed that this scheme was still due to go live on 1 January 2016, following a delay from its original implementation date of 1 October 2015. In anticipation of this, HMRC have now published a...
Disabled access to goods, services and facilities - briefing
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) made it unlawful for service providers to discriminate against disabled people in certain circumstances. On 1 October 2010, the Equality Act 2010 (EA) replaced most of th...
New THINK drink drive campaign materials
The BBPA is alerting to ‘the availability of new THINK drink drive campaign materials including a selection of new posters and Facebook images for pubs and bars, designed to encourage customers to make the right choice by not driving after d...
Gambling - Commission launch gaming machine consultation
The Gambling Commission has today launched a consultation in relation to where gaming machines can be played. You will find a link to the consultation below from which it can be seen one of the main points of emphasis in the consultation is 'Categ...
Gambling - Lotteries - De-regulation resurrected!
We have previously reported on the proposed relaxation of regulation in relation to certain limited lotteries. This was to be aimed at incidental non-commercial and private lotteries. Unfortunately the Government ran out of parliamentary time to i...
Gambling - Commission Issue First Online Gambling Statistics
The Gambling Commission have issued statistics in relation how much consumers in Britain spend on gambling online. The figures cover a five month period and detail data from all operators offering online facilities to customers in Britain. The per...