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Relaxation of licensing hours for Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations 13/04/2016 update
We last updated on this a few days ago and we have just heard that the Government has considered responses to the consultation on relaxing licensing hours for the 90th birthday of the Queen and has decided that, subject to parliamentary appro...
Food Waste: key facts, policy and trends in the UK - Parliamentary briefing
A House of Commons Library Briefing has just been released which includes some key food waste facts and trends; an explanation of the impacts of food waste; food waste policy and legislation; information on the UK voluntary initiatives in place to...
Late Night Levy - East Yorkshire/Beverley deferred
Propel is reporting that plans for Late Night Levy in East Yorkshire have been deferred following police objections. See our previous news article: 'Beverley - Late Night Levy'. Plans for a Late Night Levy in East Yorkshire have been postpo...
Gambling - New National Responsible Gambling Strategy launched
The Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) has published its National Gambling Strategy for 2016-17 and 2018-19. This follows a public consultation earlier this year. The RGSB state in the introduction to the strategy document as follows; &l...
Beer Day Britain - 15 June 2016
15 June is ‘Beer Day Britain’ - where people will be celebrating all things beer and raising a glass to say ‘Cheers to Beer’ at 7pm. For more information see
Relaxation of licensing hours for Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations - update
We are seeing reports that the proposed extension to celebrate the Queen’s birthday has in fact been granted. As of this afternoon, this is NOT the case. Although imminently expected, this anticipated extension has yet to receive...
Gambling - Gaming Machine enforcement activity - update
The Gambling Commission is reporting that a number of councils have recently taken action against operators who failed test purchase operations in relation to allowing under age persons access to gaming machines. Two were in Blackpool in rel...
Relaxation of Lottery Rules
On the 6th April 2016 the Legislative Reform (Exempt Lotteries) Regulations 2016 will come into force. The effect of the new regulations will bring greater flexibility to a range of lotteries. The aim of the changes is to make the rul...