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Gambling - Gambling advertising: regulation in Great Britain - Commons Briefing Paper
We keep a close eye on relevant Briefing Papers published by the House of Commons Library, which we believe would be of interest to our sector. We have previously highlighted the Library’s briefing paper on “Gambling advertising: regu...
Gambling - DCMS Consultation on Society Lottery Reform
On Friday 29th June the DCMS launched a consultation on Society Lottery Reform which will run until 11:45pm on 7th September 2018. The consultation explores a number of proposals including raising the annual limit of society lottery sales from &p...
Gambling - Gambling Commission's Enforcement Report 2017-2018
For the first time since the creation of the Gambling Commission has published a report of the enforcement action it has taken over the past year. The new Chief Executive of the Commission, Neil McArthur, states in his foreword to the repor...
Gambling - Gambling Commission's response to RGSB report.
The Gambling Commission has now published its response to the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) report ‘Trends in Children’s Gambling’. The response is qualified as it is the Commission’s initial response to the R...
The National Living Wage and the National Minimum Wage - Update
HMRC have produced a new series of webinars to help operators check that they are paying workers correctly. The four webinars provide employers and agents with a walk through of HMRC’s approach to minimum wage compliance and provi...
Uber - Have they caught a taxi out of the woods?
On Tuesday 26th June a two day Appeal hearing concluded in the Westminster Magistrates’ Court permitting Uber, the ride-hailing app, to continue to trade in London for a further 15 month ‘probationary’ period. Although the case ...
Uber - Have they caught a taxi out of the woods?
On Tuesday 26th June a two day Appeal hearing concluded in the Westminster Magistrates’ Court permitting Uber, the ride-hailing app, to continue to trade in London for a further 15 month ‘probationary’ period. Although the case ...