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Scotland – summary of Respondents' views on planned Guidance relating to new SEV regime
The Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 creates a licensing regime for the regulation of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEV) in Scotland and in carrying out its functions in relation to SEVs, a local authority must have regard to non-...
"That's time at the bar everyone, please" Hackney Council passes new Licensing Policy
We have reported previously on Hackney Council and its proposed New Licensing Policy. Any applicants for new licences in the borough will find a new "core hours policy" restricting the scope of their licences. The new “core hours policy&rd...
Scotland - Personal Licence Renewal
A discussion around the steps to facilitate the requirement to renew Personal Licences on the 10th anniversary pursuant to the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 continues and the concerns of the trade as to the mechanics of the process increase as eac...
Gambling - Defining and Quantifying Gambling-Related Harm
The Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB), whose stated purpose is to provide independent advice to the Gambling Commission, and through it to the Government, on a national responsible gambling strategy, has recently published a new report en...
Gambling - Commission Publish 2017/2018 report.
On Friday the Gambling Commission published their annual report for the period of 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018. The report included statements from the Chairman, William Moyes, and recently appointed CEO Neil McArthur. In addition a nu...
Scotland - Consultation on fee for renewal of personal licence.
The Scottish Government have now published a consultation on the issue of the renewal fee for Personal licence holders. Those who were granted their personal licences in September 2009, as part of the first wave, are now approaching their 10th an...
Glasgow Licensing Board announce general extension of hours for inaugural European Championships
We understand that City of Glasgow Licensing Board has granted a general extension of licensed hours by one hour to celebrate the city hosting the inaugural European Championships in August this year. This is a new multi-sport event bringin...
New additions to House of Commons Library
As our regular readers will know we like to keep you advised of items of interest that are placed in the House of Commons Library. These are usually briefing papers written to provide MPs and their staff with “ impartial briefing and e...