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New guidance - Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) (Amendment) Order 2014
You will hopefully be aware of the changes to the mandatory premises licence conditions made under the Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) (Amendment) Order 2014 ('the Order'), which come into effect 1 October 2014. The Order effe...
Interim steps - One small step for an Operator, no giant leap for the law
Yet another case has considered the effect of Interim Steps or, should we, say tentatively touched upon the effect, following the issue of an "Expedited Review". The latest matter followed an application for Expedited Review brought against the V...
Scotland - Dundee: Overprovision for the whole City...except the waterfront
Further to our previous article in April ('Dundee overprovision for the Whole City') which notified that the Dundee City Licensing Board had commenced a consultation exercise seeking views as to the areas within which an overprovision policy shoul...
Machine Games Duty - Automated Penalty Issues
Machine games duty (MGD) came into effect on the 1st February this year replacing the former amusement machine licence duty (AMLD) with first returns due from April onwards. From the outset however it appear that the HMRC have been experiencing t...
Scotland - Personal Licence Refresher Training - salutary warning!
We have previously reported that Scottish personal licence holders must undertake their mandatory refresher training within 5 years of the grant of their licence and then evidence that training to the relevant Licensing Board within the requisite ...
Think Tank appeals for 'treatment tax' on off-trade sales
The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), a think tank set up in 2004 to tackle Britain's deepest social problems and the experience of those whose lives have been affected by poverty, has recommended a number of measures to tackle drink and drug addic...
Gaming - Continuation rights... four weeks and counting
Offshore gambling operators who are currently regulated overseas but who provide online (remote) gambling to consumers in Britain have until 16 September 2014 to apply for a continuation licence which will prevent their business being impacted by ...
Scotland - Alcohol Focus Scotland - Review of Statements of Licensing Policy
Alcohol Focus Scotland (AFS), Scotland's national alcohol charity, (whose published aim is "Reduce Harm caused by Alcohol") has published a report analysing Licensing Board Policies in Scotland. AFS analysed the 25 policies and comments that...