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Responsibility for Noise Attenuation - who was there first?!
When noise nuisance arises from a licensed premises the Enforcement Agencies and Licensing Sub Committee have generally been reluctant to take into account the argument as to who was there first. However in the recent hearing for the Night & ...
East-West Cycle Superhighway Central London - impact on deliveries?
Transport for London (TfL), in consultation with its partner City of Westminster, is proposing a continuous, largely segregated cycle route between Tower Hill and Acton. The East-West Cycle Superhighway would provide a ‘clear and convenient ...
The true cost of a £1 (coin)
In his budget statement in March, Chancellor George Osborne announced plans for the introduction of a new £1 coin with a proposed 12-sided design, similar in shape to the historic "threepenny bit". The planned introduction in 2017 may ...
Dinner dates - and possibly dietary concerns!
This evening we are co-hosting an ALMR Operators Dinner in Glasgow to coincide with the Liberal Democratic Conference. Along with a number of operators active in Scotland we are due to be joined by Dan Rogerson MP Minister at the D...
JDW innovative LNL approach 'approved'
We have previously commented on the innovative approach being adopted by Wetherspoons (JDW) where a Late Night Levy (LNL) is about to come into effect. Rather than reducing the hours to take premises outside the LNL supply period on what might pr...
Gaming - DCMS postpones Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014 - important consequential update
Further to our item just last week about the postponement of the implementation of The Gambling (Licensing and advertising) Act 2014 until 1st November, an important point needs to be emphasised and has been pointed out by the Gambling Commission ...
Gaming - DCMS postpones Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014 coming into force until 1 November 2014
News reaches us that the implementation of the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act is to be postponed from 1 October until 1 November. We have previously reported on the anticipated implementation on 1 October. (see our article 'Gaming - Cont...