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Weymouth & Portland Borough Council - Late Night Levy and Early Morning Restriction Order update
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council has had a potential Late Night Levy and Early Morning Restriction Order to tackle anti-social behaviour (particularly within Weymouth) on the Agenda for some time. Last year when the options were first disc...
Chelmsford Approves Late Night Levy
Further to our news item of 4th July 2014 ('Chelmsford Next for Levy?'), we can confirm that on 16th July 2014 the full Council met and approved the Levy which will commence on 1st November 2014. It is believed that some 41 premises will be requi...
Gambling behaviour in England and Scotland - findings from the Health Survey for England 2012 and Scottish Health Survey 2012 now issued
The Gambling Commission has recently issued the findings from the Health Survey for England 2012 and Scottish Health Survey 2012, which follow headline results published previously. The report provides information about gambling behaviour in Eng...
Nottingham City Council - Late Night Levy ratified
Nottingham City Council has approved the Late Night Levy by way of full Council ratification. The consequence is that some 260 premises will be subject to the Levy if they operate beyond 00.01 with the fee becoming payable from 1 November 2014. H...
Proposed changes to the Mandatory Conditions - a commentary from John Gaunt
Two weeks ago, the government tabled proposed changes to the mandatory conditions which will appear on all premises licences from (it is expected) 1 October. These changes are significant in effect and undoubtedly intended to tighten up on what we...
BBPA and Public Health Responsibility Deal
On 7 July an Industry Summit publicised a set of new pledges under the Responsibility Dealt to tackle alcohol related harm. It would appear that the primary objective is to facilitate the public reducing the number of units consumed having increa...
Gambling - Government Response to Lotteries Consultation
We previously reported in our March article ‘Consultation on proposals to remove various lottery restrictions‘ that the DCMS had launched a ‘fast-tracked' consultation on proposals to remove various restrictions that apply to cer...